Publications & Presentations

The following is an extensive compilation of Fr. Harvey’s publications and presentations.


Books, Pamphlets, Articles, Reviews                                     


Moral Theology of the Confessions of Saint Augustine (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2009).  This is Father Harvey’s doctoral dissertation, previously published by the Catholic University of America Press, 1951.                                                                             

Homosexuality and the Catholic Church: Clear Answers to Difficult Questions (West Chester, PA: Ascension Press, 2007).                                                                   

Editor, with Gerald V. Bradley, Same-Sex Attraction: A Parent’s Guide (South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 2003).

The Truth About Homosexuality: The Cry of the Faithful (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996). Also available in Polish, Prawda o Homoseksualizmie, tr. Woxanie Wiernych, 1999. 

Editor, Homosexuality: Challenges for Change and Reorientation (Entire issue of Journal of  Pastoral Counseling 28, 1993).

The Homosexual Person: New Thinking in Pastoral Care (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987).

Moral Theology of the Confessions of St. Augustine (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1951).


Same Sex Attraction: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice (New Haven, CT: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, 2006). Spanish translation: La Atracción Sexual al Propio Sexo: La Enseñanza Católica y Praxis Pastoral (New Haven, CT: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, 2007). 

Courage: A Handbook, 1991; rev. 1995.

 A Spiritual Plan to Redirect One’s Life (Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1979). Spanish translation: Un Plan Espiritual para Re-Orientar La Vida un Homosexual (Boston: St. Paul Books and Media, 1992.)

Pastoral Care and the Homosexual (n.p.: Knights of Columbus, n.d.).  



“St. Augustine, Freedom of Will, and Pornography,” Linacre Quarterly 77 (1) (Feb 2010), 81-92.

“Spiritual Direction, Therapy, and the Directee,” [with co-authors W. Jerome Bracken, C.P. and Maria R. Valdes, Ph.D.] Linacre Quarterly 75 (3) (August, 2008), 257-64.

“Courage” (organization), “Homosexuality,” and “Homophobia,” in Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, 2 vols., by Michael L. Coulter, Stephen M. Krason, Richard S. Myers '80J.D., and Joseph A. Varacalli ( Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007).

“Pedophilia and Ephebophilia,” Ethics and Medics, vol.27, no. 10 ( October, 2002), 1-2.

“Ongoing Reflections on the Priest-Bishop Scandals,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, vol. 25, no.2, Spring 2002, 7-14.  

“Courage: A Chastity Program for Persons With Same Sex Attractions,” in The Catholic Social Science Review, Vol. VI, 2001 (Steubenville, Ohio: Society of Catholic Social Scientists, 2001), 79-85.

“Courage,” Same-Sex Matters: The Challenge of Homosexuality, ed. Christopher Wolfe (Dallas: Spence Publishing Company, 2000), pp. 231-37.

“Why the Church Opposes Domestic Partnerships,” The Arlington Catholic Herald, January, 2000.

“Commentary,”with Father Kazimierz Kowalski, in Catholic Eye 163 (July 30, 1999), pp.2-3; published by NCCL (The National Committee of Catholic Laymen).

Observations on the Vatican Decision Regarding Father Robert Nugent, SDS, and Sister Jeannine Gramick, SSND, “The Director’s Corner,” Courage: The Newsletter, vol. 99, no.4 (1999).

“Courage: A Message of Chastity, Charity and Hope,” in Eutopia: A Lay Journal of Catholic Thought 3, no. 2 (January/February 1999) at  (accessed 8/27/2003). Text of lecture given at the Catholic University of America November 3, 1998.

“Observations on the Revised Version of ‘Always Our Children’,” Courage: The Newsletter, vol. 98, no. 3 (1998).

“Observations on ‘Always Our Children’,” Arlington Catholic Herald, November 20, 1997.

Observations on the Bishops’ Committee’s Letter “Always Our Children,” “The Director’s Corner,” Courage: The Newsletter, vol. 97, no. 4 (1997).

“Speaking Out With Courage” (excerpts from Courage’s Observations on the Bishops’ Committee’s letter “Always Our Children”), Crisis, December, 1997.

“The Pastoral Challenge of Homosexuality on a Catholic Campus,” The Turnaround (Cardinal Newman Society, 1997). 

“Courage and Church Teaching,”Catholic World Report, July, 1997, pp.53-54.

“Developing into Heterosexuality,” Ethics and Medics vol. 22, no. 7 (July, 1997).

“Pastoral Implications of Church Teaching on Homosexuality,” Lay Witness, March, 1997.

“An Interview with Fr. Harvey of Courage,” Human Life International Report, November, 1996.

“Homosexual Orientation and Genetics,” Ethics and Medics vol. 21, no.5 (May, 1996).

“Courage,” Crisis (April 1995), 8-9.

“New Theories of Physical Causes of Homosexuality and Moral Behavior,” [written with Fred S. Berlin] Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops’ Workshop in Dallas, Texas, 1993.                                                                                      

“The Pastoral Problem of Masturbation,” Linacre Quarterly 60, 2 (May 1993).

“Homosexuality and Genetics,” Journal of Pastoral Counseling (1993).

“The Possibility of Changing Homosexual Orientation,” Journal of Pastoral Counseling (1993). 

“Sexual Abstinence for the Homosexual Person,” Journal of Pastoral Counseling 28 (1993): 40-43.

“Updating Issues Concerning Homosexuality,” Journal of Pastoral Counseling 28 (1993): 8-39.

“Priests Who Stray,” Crisis (November, 1992); reprinted in Journal of Pastoral Counseling, 28 (1993): 44-52.

“Spiritual Support Systems and the Practice of Virtue,” Pastoral Life (January, 1992): 34-40.

“Psychological and Pastoral Aspects of Sexual Addiction,” The Proceedings of the Pope John XXIII Center, 1990.

“Aspects of Addiction,” Proceedings of the Ninth Bishops’ Workshop in Dallas, Texas (1990).

“Reflections on Teaching Moral Theology: 1949-1989," Salesian Reflections, ed. William Ruhl (Washington, D.C.: De Sales School of Theology, 1989), pp. 75-77.

“Homosexuality and Hope: New Thinking in Pastoral Care,” Hope For Homosexuality, ed. Patrick F. Fagan (Washington, D.C.: Free Congress Foundation, 1988), 65-77.

“Expressing Marital Love During the Fertile Phase,” International Review of Natural Family Planning 4, 4 (Winter 1980,. 279-96.

“Homosexuality,” New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.17, Supplement (1980), pp. 271-73.  Original article in New Catholic Encyclopedia, 7:116 (1967).

“The Impact of Gay Propaganda Upon Adolescent Boys and Girls,” The Priest, March, 1980.

“The Morality of Masturbation,” The International Journal of Natural Family Planning (July 1979).

“Recent Trends in American Catholic Moral Theology,” The Australian Catholic Record (October 1979): 363-76.

“Reflections on a Retreat for Clerics with Homosexual Tendencies,” The Linacre Quarterly (May 1979): 136-40.

“Human Sexuality and the Homosexual: A Critique,” Faith and Reason: The Journal of Christendom College 3 (1978).

“Chastity and the Homosexual,” The Priest (July - August 1977).

"On Understanding Human Sexuality: A Critique of the C.T.S.A. Study," [with William E. May] Communio 4, no. 3 (Fall 1977): 195-225.

“The Plan of Life for the Homosexual,” three articles in the National Catholic Register (September - October 1977).

“The Treatment of Homosexuality in the C.T.S.A. Report on Sexuality,” [ with William E. May] Communio 4, no. 7 (Winter 1977): 389-91.                                           

“Contemporary Theological Views,” Linacre Quarterly 43, 3 (August 1976); reprinted in Counseling the Homosexual, ed. John R. Cavanaugh (Our Sunday Visitor Press, 1977).

“A Critique of John McNeill, S.J. and Gregory Baum, O.S.A on the Subject of Homosexuality,” Linacre Quarterly 43, 3 (August 1976).

“Pastoral Insights on ‘Sexual Ethics’,” Pastoral Life 25, 4 (April 1976).

“Euthanasia: Commentary on a Social Movement,” Linacre Quarterly 41, 3 (August, 1975).

“Law and Personalism,” Communio 2, no. 1 (Spring 1975), 54-72.

“Changes in Nomenclature and Their Probable Effect,” Linacre Quarterly 41, 3 (August 1974); reprinted in Counseling the Homosexual, ed. John R. Cavanaugh (Our Sunday Visitor Press).

“The Controversy Concerning Nomenclature Vis-a-Vis Homosexuality,” Linacre Quarterly 41, 3 (August 1974).

“Homosexual Marriages,” Marriage and Family Living (January 1974).

“The Controversy Concerning the Psychology and Morality of Homosexuality,” American Ecclesiastical Review 167, 9 (November 1973).

“Attitudes of a Catholic Priest Towards Homosexuality,” Bulletin of the National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists 18, 1 (December 1972): 53-58.

“Integration of Spiritual and Psychological Values in Therapy,” Linacre Quarterly 39 (August 1972).

“Attitude of Priests Toward Homosexuals,” The Bulletin of the National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists (May 1971).

“Homosexuality and Vocations,” The American Ecclesiastical Review 164 (January 1971).

“Pastoral Directives for the Confessor in Regard to Homosexuality,” Linacre Quarterly (August 1971).

“Pastoral Responses to Gay World Questions--Is Gay Good?,” in Ethics, Theology and Homosexuality, ed. W. Dwight Oberholtzer (1971).

“The Morality of Heart Transplants,” The American Ecclesiastical Review 162 (April 1970).

“Female Homosexuality,” The Linacre Quarterly 36, 2 (May 1969).

“The Meaning of Humanae Vitae and its Binding Force,” The Bulletin of the National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists 16, 1 (January 1969).

“Moral Obligations in Catechetical Programs,” The American Ecclesiastical Review 160, 4 (April 1969).

“The Morality Conference in St. Louis Revisited: A Critique of Charles Curran,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review 69, 1 (October 1968).

“Problems in Counseling the Married Homosexual,” The American Ecclesiastical Review 158, 2 (February 1968).

“Homosexuality,” New Catholic Encyclopedia 7:116 (1967).

“Morality and Pastoral Treatment of Homosexuality,” Continuum 5 (Summer 1967).

“The Pastoral Treatment of Compulsion in the Homosexual,” in All Things to All Men, vol 2 (1967). 

“The Pastoral Question of Homosexuality,” in All Things to All Men, vol.1 (1967).

“Selective Conscientious Objection,” The American Ecclesiastical Review 159 (1967).

“Counseling the Apparent Adolescent Homosexual,” Bulletin of the National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists 10, 4 (October 1963): 204-13. 

“Counseling the Religious Invert,” Bulletin of the National Guild of Catholic Psychiatrists (October 1962).

“Censorship and Moral Evaluation in the Catholic College.” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Convention of the Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine (1959).

“Techniques in Counseling: A Comparison of the Method of St. Francis de Sales with that of Carl Rogers’ Client Centered Therapy,” parts 1 and 2, Catholic Educator (February 1957 and April 1957).

“Homosexuality as a Pastoral Problem,” Theological Studies (March 1955).

“The Nature of the Infused Moral Virtues,” Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America 10 (1950): 172-221.

“Self Criticism of the Priest-Confessor,” Catholic Educator (December 1949).


Review of Light in the Closet:Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change, Arthur Goldberg, in Linacre Quarterly(May 2010), 233-37.

Review of Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic, Elizabeth Moberly, in Linacre Quarterly (November 1984).

Review of Early Development of Gender Identity, Elizabeth Moberly, in Linacre Quarterly (May 1984).

Review of Christian Moral Principles, Vol.1, Germain Grisez, in Homiletic and Pastoral Review (August - September 1984).

“Response to Malcolm Potts on Breastfeeding” in International Review of Natural Family Planning 8, 2 (Summer 1984): 174-80.

“A Theological Reflection on Sex and Gender” in Sex and Gender (The Pope John Center, St. Louis, Mo.: 1984), pp. 340-49.                                

Review of Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century, John Boswell, in Linacre Quarterly (1981).

Review of Eve’s New Rib, Robert T. Francoeur, in American Ecclesiastical Review 167 (March 1973).

Review of The Anthropology of Sex, Abel Jeanniere, in Theological Review (June 1968): 184.

Review of Toward a Christian Understanding of the Homosexual, H. Kimball Jones, in Theological Review (September 1967): 160.

Review of Counseling the Invert, John R. Cavanaugh, in Theological Studies (December 1966).                                                                                                                     

Review of Sin, Liberty, and Law, Louis Mondencava, S.J.

Review of A Psychological and Moral Approach, ed. William C. Bier, S.J., in Theological Studies (December 1965).

Review of Pastoral and Sexual Problems in Pastoral Theology, ed. William C. Bier, S.J., in Theological Studies (March 1965).



Major addresses and lectures, presentations to groups, radio and television interviews

Major Addresses and Lectures

1989 - 2008 
Keynote speaker at Annual Courage Conferences

Hong Kong

Mexico City, Mexico

October 26 - November 1

October 1 - 4
Call to Holiness conference, Michigan

September 11 - 13 

January 26
St. Louis, Missouri                           

January 7, 8
Legatus in Miami, Florida

August 28, 29
Winnipeg, Manitoba

March  29
Nassau Community College, New York                                                           

Presentation “Homosexuality and the Support Network in the Catholic Church” at Annual Meeting of the Catholic Medical Association, Destin, Florida

October 13
Seattle, Washington

Presentations in Detroit and Kalamazoo, Michigan  

Presentation in Lourdes, France at Conference, “Helping Professions Consultation Reaffirming Marriage Initiative”

April 23, 24     
Royal Oak, Michigan

Presentation at Courage “My Brother’s Keeper II” Youth Ministers’ Conference, Queens, New York

Address in Salzburg, Austria: “Courage’s Response to the Worldwide Gay Movement”

Address at Michigan Family Forum Conference in Detroit, Michigan

Address at Parents and Friends Ministries Conference in Washington, D.C.

Address to Catholic Medical Association in Buffalo, New York

Address to Catholic Medical Association in Chicago, Illinois
Address to Notre Dame Law School in Chicago, Illinois                    


Presentation at Courage “My Brother’s Keeper” Youth Ministers’ Conference, Riverdale, New York
Address in Chicago, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Lecture (November 3) at Catholic University of America

Address at the Wanderer Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Two Addresses at the Human Life International Conference in Clare, Ireland            

Address “Homosexuality and Courage” at the conference Homosexuality and American Public Life(Georgetown Conference Center), June 19-21, 1997

Address “Courage and Church Teaching” at the Call to Holiness conference (Detroit, Michigan), November 16, 1996 

Address to priests and psychologists, conference held at Iona College (New York), May 11-17, 1993.

“On the Church’s Response to People Who Want to Overcome the Condition of Homosexuality,” the Newman Club of the University of Virginia, April 1, 1993.

“On the Church’s Response to People Who Want to Overcome the Condition of Homosexuality,” the Jacques Maritain Club at Princeton University, March 15, 1993
“Morality of Homosexual Activity and Prevalent Myths,” Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, March 15, 1993.
“Prevalent Media Myths Concerning Homosexuality,” Seton Hall University, March 10, 1993.
“Moral Perspectives on the Origins of Homosexuality,” a panel discussion with Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.  Published in Proceedings of the Pope John XXIII Center, 1993.

“The Moral Aspects of Addiction From a Pastoral Perspective,” at the Ninth Bishops’ Workshop in Dallas, Texas, 1990.

“Adolescents and Sexuality,” Devon Prep, Devon, Pennsylvania, January 4-5, 1989

Australia [Father didn’t have any details about this and the 1976 trip, but he had it on a list of overseas trips.]



Presentations on the Work of Courage

England, Ireland
United Nations luncheon speaker

England, Ireland

June 18, 19   
New Mexico

June  10           

April 28         
Manchester, New Hampshire

April 22, 23   
Tulsa, Oklahoma

April 8, 9        
Frederick, Maryland

April 16          
St. Louis, Missouri

March 29         
Day of Recollection, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

March 24         
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Maryland

March 23        
Dunwoodie Seminary, Yonkers, New York

March 18         
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Pennsylvania

March 15          
St. Charles Borromeo, Pennsylvania

March 1         
Day of Recollection in Philadelphia

Australia (Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, Wagga Wagga, Brisbane, Perth) at invitation of bishops

December 12  
Theology on Tap, Stamford, Connecticut

September 24  
Visitation Convent in Maryland                                  

January 9
Dunwoodie Seminary, Yonkers, NY                                                                                       

Presentation in Memphis  

Presentations in England, Ireland                                                                                   

Address at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Address at Christendom College, Front Royal, Virginia
Address at Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana

Presentations in Houston and Beaumont, Texas

Presentation at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland

Conference in La Crosse, Wisconsin with “Faith in Action” (Courage) group

Presentations in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona

Address to Knights of Columbus, Easton, Maryland

Addresses in Australia (sponsored by Human Life International)

Workshops for priests in Dublin, Ireland

Address to priests in the diocese of Jacksonville, Florida

Three-day workshop in Tucson, Arizona
Address in Seattle, Washington

Presentation at Courage/Encourage Day of Recollection in Manhattan, January 9      
Address in La Crosse, Wisconsin                                                                             

Address to priests in the diocese of Jacksonville, Florida

September - October   
Several Addresses in New Zealand and Australia, sponsored by Human Life International  

Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska (Workshop on Courage)
Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina
Diocese of Orlando, Florida
Chancery of Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Newman Club Chaplains, Archdiocese of New York
Parish of St. George, Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey
Mount St. Vincent College, Riverdale, New York

Catholic laity in South London, England

Priests in Diocese of Leeds, England

Melbourne, Australia


Radio and Television Interviews / Media Presentations


January 28
Interview with Doug Keck on EWTN “Bookmark”

March 30         
Sunday Night Live with Father Groeschel (EWTN)                                                                  

December 7     
Interview on Zenit website, “Pastoral Care for Those with Same-Sex Attraction,” ZE06120723, Permalink:

November 30  
Interview on Zenit website, “Father Harvey on Strengths of New Vatican Instruction,” ZE05113022, Permalink: 

January 24      
Interview on Zenit website, “Source of Same-Sex Attractions in Children: Parenting and Social Influences,” ZE04012401, Permalink:

July 7              
“Catholic Answers” radio interview

February 20    
Guest on EWTN television program, “Life on the Rock”

January 23    
Interview: “St. Francis de Sales” on “Catholic Answers Live”

Interview on “Faith and Family,” EWTN Radio, June 28

May 31            
On EWTN radio show hosted by Steve Woods

May 9       
News spot on Channel 9, 10 p.m. news

Radio interviews in Royal Oak, Michigan regarding advisability of granting legal privileges to same-sex couples

Executive producer, Courage videos: “Portraits of Courage” (Part I: “Into the Light” and Part II: “Cry of the Faithful).”

Television interviews for “Focus,” New Orleans, Louisiana

Radio program for “Peter’s Voice” in Providence, Rhode Island

Guest on “Living His Life Abundantly” (Eternal Word Television Network, EWTN)
Radio programs for “Peter’s Voice” (“Focus on the Magisterium” hosted by Father Stephen Torraco), Worcester, Massachusetts, October 15, 22, 29.  Topic: “Pastoral Ministry to Persons With Same-Sex Attractions.”

CBS News Sunday Morning (Television Program), March 21, 1999                            

Radio program for “Catholic Answers” in California (Catholic Leaders Conference)
Public Radio in Providence, Rhode Island
Catholic Radio programs in Providence, Rhode Island, autumn of 1998

Guest on “Mother Angelica Live” (EWTN)            
Guest on “Living His Life Abundantly” (EWTN) - Losing a Child to the Homosexual Lifestyle                            

FOCUS (Franciscan University of Steubenville), December 2, 1997. Interview by theology faculty on U.S. Bishops’ Always Our Children.
October 8, 22
“Living His Life Abundantly” (EWTN)

October 8  
“Mother Angelica Live” (EWTN)

May 16 
“Mother Angelica Live” (EWTN)