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The cornerstone of St. Columba's Catholic Church in Philadelphia, PA (St. Martin de Porres since 1993). Fr. Harvey was baptized at St. Columba’s parish on April 28, 1918. The original name of the Church is still visible.
Margaret (née Harkins) Harvey, mother of Fr. John Harvey.
John Francis Harvey and little sister Catherine (aka Cass)
A historical marker of Shibe Park/Connie Mack stadium. As a child, Fr. Harvey went to Shibe Park to watch the Philadelphia Athletics play baseball and became an avid, lifelong fan of the game.
John Harvey's yearbook photo in 1935, his junior year at Northeast Catholic High School
John Harvey was a member of the Classical Club during his years at North Catholic. "Club members frequently read papers dealing with the intricacies of Vergil and a few impromptu one-act plays were staged by these expert Latinists during the scholastic year." (Excerpt from 1936 yearbook)
John Harvey graduated with Honours from Northeast Catholic High School in 1936. He was described as "mannerly, gentlemanly, and kindly to all".
Sitting on the steps outside the family home in North Philadelphia.
John Harvey outside the White House on his birthday, April 14, 1940.
John Harvey and sister Margaret outside White House, also on April 14, 1940.
A group of seminarians ordained as transitional deacons in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. John Harvey (front row, second from the left), an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, was eventually ordained a priest on June 3, 1944.
Cousin Beatrice's wedding day
Fr. Harvey is a teacher at Northeast Catholic High School from 1945 - 1947
Fr. Harvey teaching English at Northeast Catholic High School
Fr. Harvey with his sister Margaret Harvey Smith on the day he received his Doctorate in Moral Theology at The Catholic University of America, School of Divinity. (1951)
Catherine "Cass" Harvey (sister), Jim Harvey (brother), Patrick Harvey (Dad), Fr. John Harvey, Margaret Harvey (sister)
Fr. Harvey and his great-niece and great-nephews (his sister Margaret's grandchildren)
St. Francis of Assisi Church in Springfield, Pennsylvania. Fr. Harvey was a weekend assistant pastor at this parish for many years.
Father receives a painting of Christ to honour the 50th anniversary of his ordination. (Artist: Gary Hoff)
Fr. Harvey celebrating Mass
Fr. Harvey is awarded the Cardinal Cooke Medal of Peace on October 6, 2003. Image of Cardinal Cooke (left), engraving of award (right)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Fr. Harvey chatting at an Annual Courage Conference
Fr. Harvey praying in private chapel with Pope John Paul II on February 14, 2000, before concelebrating Mass with the Holy Father.
Fr. Harvey meets John Paul II again on February 15th, 2000.
Fr. Harvey in Singapore, at the garden of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church with Peter Rudegeair, Valerie, and Fr. Luke Fong, October 26th, 2004
Fr. Harvey and Fr. Luke Fong concelebrate Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church in Singapore on October 27, 2004
Fr. Harvey and Peter Rudegeair at Ya Kun, a popular café in Singapore, 2004.
Fr. Harvey and friends participating in the 33rd Annual March for Life in Washington, DC in 2006
Painting of Father Harvey by artist Gary Hoff @garyhofffineart