A priest of empathy and hope
My acquaintance with Father Harvey comes from him being a weekend assistant at St. Francis of Assisi Parish located in my area, Springfield, PA., his speaking at Days of Recollection given by the Philadelphia Courage Chapter, and his writings. I was fortunate that Father Harvey provided me with spiritual and family direction during the month before my Father’s death.
When I think about Father Harvey I think about Salesian Spirituality. He embodied it. The Salesian charisms of love of the church and the church faithful, humility and gentleness were his life pursuits. His achievements as a theologian, a teacher and as founding Director of Courage/EnCourage were the results of his living out the “Devout Life”. “Let us be what we are and be that well, in order to bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork we are” are words from St. Francis de Sales. Father Harvey lived and encouraged others to live out these words along with the other teachings and truths of St. Francis de Sales and the church.
In the confessional he was a priest of empathy and hope. I was impressed that during one of my confessions with Father Harvey he mentioned his availability to discuss or clarify his advice at a later time. Father Harvey would try to be available as best he could or suggest someone who would be available. He knew the importance of relationships and being fully connected with people. He encouraged humor and joyfulness, elements of the “Devout Life”.
From his speaking at “Day of Recollections” given by the Philadelphia Chapter I have memory of a few of his quotes that benefitted me greatly.
“A prayerful heart leads to inner chastity and inner chastity leads to diminished temptations”
“Chastity is a gift”
Another quote which is humorous was:
“I get all kinds of advice about how to run the Courage/EnCourage Apostolate but the one thing most do not listen to me about is the need for more funding”.
One ministry effort of Father Harvey that many might not be aware of was that for years he was the weekend assistant at St. Francis of Assisi (SFA) Parish in Springfield, PA. Though not a member of SFA I was fortunate to attend some of the Masses that he served. I think that he really enjoyed providing ministry at the parish level – confessions on Saturday and Mass on Sunday. He traveled with books and papers in the back seat of his car from NYC or Allentown (DeSales University) to Springfield, PA. This was a two – three hours one way trip. His sister was a member of the parish but from my observations he just enjoyed priestly ministry at the parish level.
Thank you, Father Harvey for giving us an exemplary example of living the “Devout Life”.